Lifequality Casa/ライフクオリティカーザ
Philosophy of
Justin and Yoshiko Dart
看護師として働いてきた姉・直美と、ソーシャルワーカーとして障害者権利運動に関わってきた妹・真美が2018年5月に『Lifequality Casa』ライフクオリティ・カーザをOPEN。
2人が共通して大事にしていきたいことが「出会い・繋がり」です。ここを、誰もが(国、人種、言語、文化、障害などあらゆる違いを超えて)訪れることができ、集い、時に交流もできる場所として存在することが私達の願いです。個々の要望に寄り添い、安心して過ごせる“家=CASA” (ポルトガル語)になるように頑張ります!
"Lifequality Casa" opened in May 2018. It's a family owned guest house in Kiyosato, Yamanashi Pref, Japan.
Naomi worked as a nurse for more than 20 years and Masami worked with Disability Rights Movement in the US, Brazil and Japan.
We would like to treasure each encounter and connection with people. We wish to continue operating this place for "everyone" even if we are all different. (e.g. nationality, race, language, culture and disability,etc.) So that we can visit, gather, interact and exchange. We try to run our guest house with our philosophy of "Lifequality" and to host our guests as if it is their "Casa" (or "home" in Portuguese) .
Photo below: Justin Dart & Masami.
"Lifequality" is a term which created by Justin Dart, Jr. when he was in Japan in search of his life's truth and love together with Yoshiko Dart. Justin and Yoshiko stayed in Kai-Oizumi, which is very near to Kiyosato.
They tried hard to lead the life exemplifying the LOVE and EMPOWERMENT and tried their best to teach/coach each of us to LIVE THE DREAM with our full potential.
Photo above: Justin and Yoshiko Dart on the mall with US Capitol in the background (July 4, 2000)
Photo below: Justin Dart is seated next to President Bush at the signing of ADA ceremony (July 26, 1990)